SMS P.E. Teachers:
Mr. Cordano - 6th/7th grade
Mr. Daniels - 6th/7th grade
Mr. Burrow - 6th/8th grade
Mrs. LaPachet - 6th/8th grade
In the link above, you can find a PDF version of our make-up assignment for students that are absent. This information could also be found in your student's google classroom.
In the link above, you can find a PDF version of our make-up assignment for students that sick or injured. Students MUST have permission by their P.E. teacher to complete this make-up assignment. This information could also be found in your student's google classroom.
In the link above, you can find a PDF version of our P.E. program presentation that was presented to students during the first week of school in our physical education classes.
In the link above, you can find a PDF version of our policies and procedures in our physical education classes.
Please use the link above to purchase P.E. clothes online.
Please use the link above to view middle school content standards. See page numbers below for grade levels. Grade 6: pages 25 - 27 Grade 7: pages 28-30 Grade 8: pages 31 -33