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Salida Middle

Taking Pride in Excellence!

Chromebook Information

ChromeBook Information for TK - 8th Grade

Welcome Back!  Chromebook Information for 2023-2024  

6th-8th grade students will be assigned a Chromebook and charger and will carry it back and forth to school every day.  Chromebook distribution will take place during the first week of school.
Elementary students will be assigned a Chromebook and it will be kept in the classroom.

Student logins and passwords are the same as last year except for 6th-grade students who will not use a Clever Badge (QR code) in 6th grade.  6th-grade teachers will teach students how to log in on the first day of school.

ChromeBook Technology RUPs

All students must have a signed Responsible Use Policy on file each year before using a Chromebook, iPad, District network, etc.  
Parents and students will sign the RUP online in Aeries via the parent portal.  Log in to the Aeries Parent Portal to complete all beginning-of-the-school-year forms.


TK-5th Grade Login

SMS Login (or how to login without a Clever Badge/QR Code)

Optional Chromebook Insurance

Insurance Policy

Optional Chromebook Insurance is available for SMS students and Independent Study students for the 2023-24 School Year

Purchase by September 1st

Pay with cash or credit/debit card at the SMS Student Store or online at SMS Student Store
Cost $30

Insurance covers:

  • Accidental damage, dropped Chromebook, liquid spills
  • Theft (with police report)
  • Fire, flood, natural disaster
  • Power surge
  • Mechanical failure
  • Lost or damaged charger/power supply

Families with NO insurance (examples of possible costs):

  • Broken screen $250
  • Lost or damaged charger $35
  • Broken keyboard $75 plus $5 for each key
  • Lost Chromebook $300
  • Water or other damage $75 - $300

*Chromebooks will be distributed during school hours the first week of school.


Need Tech Support for

Need Tech Support for a Salida District Chromebook?

Someone will respond in 24 - 48 hours M-F.